My best friend's friend is so annoying. She was one of my best friend's college roommates for a year and because of this whenever all our close college group of friends gets together she gets invited. However, I can't stand her the entire weekend. She is obnoxious and annoying and drives me insane. I have tried multiple times in the past to get along with her, but I can never see anything to like about her. We just don't click. My college girls are coming in a few weeks to visit (and stay with me) and she has basically been invited to come visit as well, by my best friend. I have never voiced how much I can't stand her to anyone.. should I? There are a bunch of us girls and she always seems to be on the outskirts - but she calls us her "bffs" but yet she never talks to any of us (unless facebook counts.) Should I tell some of my girls and get their opinion on it? Or just suck it up forever?
Thanks so much!!!