
Canon Digital Rebel XTi 10.1MP or Nikon D40 6.1MP Digital SLR?

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I want to give a Slr camera as a gift for my good friends birthday.... Which one is better?




  1. I own a Nikon d80 so I feel like I'm being biased here, but I love the way a nikon feels I chose a Nikon over a Rebel because the Rebel's have always felt  like a cheaper camera to me and the Nikon felt a lot sturdier, on top of that I have smaller hands and the way the control functions of the canons are built you really need bigger hands to be able to use them at optimum performance,  the rebel does have a higher megapixel count but thats really going to tug on the cameras light sensors processing quality and if they're not making prints larger than 12x8 it won't make a difference anyway.  As far as the lenses for the camera both companies make good glass, and if you were comparing a different Canon my answer might be different, but the rebels just aren't all they're hyped up to be.

  2. I was leaning quite a bit towards the Nikon, till I spent a weekend with the Rebel.

    Decided they're both excellent cameras.

    Both have their shortcomings, for instance I found the D40 to spontaneously overexpose, even after farting around with it's settings.

    Interestingly enough the XTi likes to underexpose a bit.

    Either way, the beauty of a digi cam is you get to practice till the cows come home.  So one or two messed up pictures won't mean a thing.

    The Nikon is a bit cheaper.....:)

    p.s. personal preference = a very slight lean towards Canon.

  3. They are both really fine cameras.  The best way to know which will suit them the best, you really need to go with them to the camera store and let them try each one and see which fits their style of shooting.

    That said, if they already have some Nikon or Canon lenses from their experience using a 35 mm SLR, then the answer is easy.

    Two links you both may want to visit before you head for the store

    And finally

    Enjoy your shopping

  4. Find it at . I just bout one from there good prices.

  5. Whaaaat I need more friends like you!

    I recommend the canon rebel if it's for someone who's a beginner with slr camera's.

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