
Canon EOS 5D ISO 6400?

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I saw somewhere people pushing Canon EOS 5D's ISO to 6400 , 12800. How could that possible ?




  1. the more professional the camera, the more clarity you get in your pictures when using high ISO ratings. the quality as 1,600 on a XTI would be much worse than on a 5d, you pay for what you get for. And, for that price, you also pay for the great preformace at higher ISO's.

    This camera, has a much larger aperture range than the average digital SLR. most cameras start at around one hundred, and stop at around 1,600. However, on this camera, you can have a much larger range. You have a larger range because it's better at higher ISO's than the regular digital SLR.

  2. Set the 5D to the maximum ISO (3200) and dial in a negative EV to push the ISO. Setting -1 EV at ISO 3200 will give you 6400 and setting -2 EV will give you ISO 12800. The image will be underexposed but the 5D has enough DR to retain a lot of detail in the shadows. The last step is to use your favorite image editor to bring the detail back.

    Read Kenny Rock's article for a better understanding:
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