
Canon G9 Exposure Lock?

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Is there a way to lock exposure on the Canon G9 and recompose the picture? Here's my issue: Using the zoom resets the Exposure Lock. (It's not like a typical SLR)




  1. Yes, it has an exposure lock button.  However what you've described is going to be pretty common.  You may not be able to lock your exposure if you zoom... here's why.  The lens is a variable maximum aperture over its range.  So while it may meter at one focal length f/3.5, if you zoom in more, f/3.5 may not be an option, hence you can't lock your exposure.  That's why the behavior is to unlock the exposure when you change the focal length.

    The best thing to do is to not change the zoom.  If you want the same values, just put your camera in M and set the aperture and shutter speed to the same values it locked to, if you can.

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