
Canon Rebel XT Problems.?

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I purchased my camera about a month ago.. When I use the flash it will flicker before actually taking the doesn't do this all the time tho. (just sometimes) Also, the menu bar is suppose to have a "camera1" and a "camera 2" on the title bar, but mine is missing the "camera 2" so if I wanted to change pictures to b/w I can't. Any ideas on whats wrong with the flash or the menu/title bar?




  1. The burst of flashes are a normal function of the camera for focus assist in low light (see page 74 of the English version of the instruction manual).

    The "Camera 2" options are not available when the camera is in  what Canon calls "Basic Zone" mode, see page 43 of the manual for a diagram showing which dial settings are Basic Zone.


    EDIT/UPDATE: Photo Ace is right that many DSLRs use the flash to reduce red-eye, however, I believe this model of the Canon uses a small red light on the camera instead of the flash to reduce red-eye.

  2. Rob is right and that would explain the intermittent aspect of your flash.  There can be another cause for this too.  If you have your flash set for "redeye reduction", the flash will "flicker" a few times before the exposure to cause the pupils in the subjects eyes to nearly close.

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