
Canon Rebel XTi and Grainy photos?

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I am aware that the higher the ISO, the more grain there will be... however, I've also heard that ISO 400 is still pretty smooth on the XTi, but I seem to be getting some grain and it's pretty noticable when I go to sharpen the image in Photoshop (all digital photos need a little sharpening). I'm sure it's not underexposed cause the histogram looks pretty good.

Does anyone else have similar results?




  1. nope i took this shot at 1600 ISo and i didn't have a grain problem :

  2. Can't say I have... I've shot indoor weddings and receptions using ISO 800 and found no grain. If the histogram looks good, then you may need to get your camera checked.

  3. if you think all digital photos need sharpening then you need a better lens. I dont have that problem with my xti. its always better to let the camera do the work. if you feel it needs to be sharpened you can create a custom setting to do just that in the camera. get out of the habit of relying on photoshop for making your images better. the xti is a good camera and can take fantastic photos without help from photoshop. image editors in general have a bad habit of interpolating pixels (guessing at what they should look like) so using them will almost always add some form of noise to an image. they will most certainly amplify any noise that exists as part of the original image.

    the camera is just a tool. it isnt magic. it cant read your mind. it cant replace your eyes. it cant replace your brain. it will only do what you tell it to do, which is not always what you want it to do for you.

    the most important part of any camera is the photographer.

    even if the histogram "looks good" a photo can be underexposed. which histogram are you viewing? there is more than one available in the camera.

    are you using the built in flash with the subject more than about 12 feet away? maybe you need to get closer or use a better flash.

  4.   If your using a kit lens, that is more than likely your problem.  You can buy a good fixed lens(one that doesn't zoom) for around 150 dollars.  

  5. The Canon Rebel XTi is a very good camera. The noise is very low even for ISO 1600

    You can see samples done by me with a Canon XTi and 17-88 USM IS Lens:

    A review for Canon XTi:

    Now on the market is Canon Rebel XSi which I think is a good camera too.

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