
Canon Xti, close ups, HELPPP??!?

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I currently own the Canon Xti and have two different lens: the normal one that came with my camera, plus a Sigma "18-200mm F3.5-6.3". (Sorry, I'm not a pro at all, although I know the general functions of my camera) Recently I've been into close-ups (flowers, generally). I notice that with my Sigma lens, I tend to get up close and zoom in, and it spazzes and becomes very blurry (no surprise, since it has a high zoom ratio and covers a wide range).

What are good lens that I can purchase for good close ups?

For now, is it best to use the lens that came with my camera?

Please, please, please- anything will help.




  1. Yes for close ups use the lens that came with your camera. A good macro lens is rather expensive like over $350. I use a Sony so I am not real familiar with the Canon lenses.However you should have a Macro mode in your camera. It is usually shaped like a flower. Use it. And try enlarging on the computor as well. True macro photography involves not just the lens but a ring flash that goes around the end of the lens. A normal flash won't do much if you are a half inch from your subject. It gets expensive real quick!!

  2. Tamron 90mm Macro Lens, a very good lens, search it on flickr.

    Canon also make a 100mm macro lens for a higher price.

    However, there is the small problem that the higher the zoom on a macro lens, the smaller the aperture (in other words, if your taking photos of flowers the amount of the flower which is in focus will be decreased)

    For example

    In this picture (taken with the tamron 90mm) the background is out of focus.

    If you would prefer a higher aperture go with lower magnification such as the Sigma 50mm macro lens.

    Mentioned below by ProPhotographer are close up lenses (or close up filters) and extension tubes. Close up filters are very useful but will not produce an image as high quality as a dedicated macro lens and extension tubes, as you said yourself, you are a beginner photographer and this may be a little complicated for you.

    Hope this helps ;)

  3. You don't need a new lens at this stage.  If you really love close up photography you should buy a MACRO lens which focuses really close to the subject.

    Your Sigma is probably good down to about 1m away then it will not focus.  To get it closer you have two options:

    1) a "close up lens" - this will s***w onto the front of your lens and magnify/allow closer focus.

    2) a set of extension tubes (this is what I use).  These are just small cylinders that fit into the camera body and the lens fits onto them.  They come in different lengths and give different magnifications.  You can only use them for close up work with your lens as the lens will no longer focus at normal "infinity" (for example to shoot a landscape) while you have them on.

    They bayonet off and on like a lens then your lens bayonets into them.  Generally use one at a time (10mm, 13mm, 20mm) or all three for insane magnification.


    Don't buy the Canon ones - these are not "lenses" there is no lens glass in them.  They are just tubes with the EOS mount front and back.  3rd pary non-manufacturer's ones will fit fine.

    Search your countries Ebay as they are often on there quite cheap. Search for "macro canon extension tubes" or similar.  

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