
Canon or nikons 18-55?

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i was just wondering.. nikon d40 and canon rebel xti both come with a 18-55mm kit lens.

which is a bit better and why? thanks!




  1. Canon has a marginally better lens since it has IS (Image Stabilizer).

  2. Each one is comparable to the other. Don't let this decide on which one you should buy--as you realize you have dozens of other lenses (by Canon & Nikon) that you can buy later.

  3. Have a look at:

    D40's kit lens is fine. XTi's 18-55 (without IS) doesn't perform very well, especially it's too soft at wide aperture. The new Canon's kit lens, which is sold with the XSi and XS, is way better and also includes image stabilization - a very useful feature.

  4. The biggest difference that you will see is how each one feels in your hancs. To find that you will have to go into a real camera store and hold each. Try to change things around. See what the menus show you and which one looks more like the one that you will want. It's really that easy.

    If you buy locally from a real camera store (or even a good chain store) the purchase will usually come with classes to get you going. Theres alot to learn and having just one or two classes can avoid alot of frustrations.
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