
Cant believe Gas is going to rise again by a further 70%!!!!!!....?

by Guest59546  |  earlier

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Sorry this isnt a question, but I just dont know how they expect people to be able to afford this rise.

I already pay £70 per month for Gas alone which we find a struggle each month. We dont have the heating on most of the time as we cant afford it (and we have a young baby) we have to wear more clothes to keep warm.

With this increase were gonna have to pay around £140 just for gas then electricity on top which we pay £60 per month.

This is ridiculas!

They need to come up with something cos people cant afford it.




  1. That is shocking, how are the pensioners supposed to keep warm in winter? well done Labour you have well and truly ****** up this country to the wall

  2. i know how you feel, i'm in the same boat.  Another fine example of rip off britain

  3. If you are oaying £70 a month you must have a very big house or else you are with the wrong company.

    I have a three bedroomed house and only pay £60 a month and I am home all day.

    Why not go to a comparison site like u-switch and see if you can get a better deal

  4. The pensioners are the REAL victims in all this.  They are a forgotten people.   Once you become a pensioner you're no longer wanted or remembered. You become a liability. It really is DISGUSTING. Problem is we will all become pensioners one day.   How can they take the rise of 70% and still expect to survive winters ?! --It's the big squeeze.

  5. yeah that's frighteningly high, but I'm not surprised, when you have a weak leader running the country these company's will take the p*ss, the quicker Brown is out of office the better for us all :)

  6. Everything  is  gonna  go  up  even  more,  coz  Britian  is  in  Iraq  and  spending  a  lot  of  money  a  day,  plus,  it  is  spending  a  lot  of  money  on  welfare/social  security  etc  for  all  these  Europeans.

    Why  did  we  need  to  go  into  the  bloody  European  union,  anyway?

  7. Wood pellet systems are the way to go I heat a 5 bedroom bungalow for half that.

  8. wow you are paying a lot, maybe you can compare prices? ..i have a large 3bed (large as in big rooms and high ceilings.) i thought our bills were high.. ouch! it sounds like your home isn't insulated also.. you can get help towards this, and it does make a difference.. also ask your supplier to check your connection is working right..  

    I remember when I rented a TINY one bed flat in Bournemouth, the fuel bills where horrendous, and it was the height of summer (a HOT summer!!) I changed company and cut the bills by more than half..

    its outrageous ... I dunno how they expect people to be able to afford to even exist let alone live!!!

    good luck xx

  9. I also cant believe, but i think the government are encouraging the scare-mongering so that when the gas companies say the prices are only going up by 65% the public will feel that there doing us a favour. They've done the same thing with petrol and the like. Give us the worse case scenario so that when they do hike up the prices the public feel its not as bad as it could have been. It's all a complete rip off and i have personally had enough of it xjx

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