
Cant donate blood after vist to Mexico ruins? Why not!!!?

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I think they say you cant donate for like four years what is the DANGER?




  1. That's a load of c**p, there is NO DANGER!

    you must have had a resent tattoo, blood transfusion, unprotected s*x, s*x with a prostitute, or on heavy proscriptions, recent operation, or your  a drug user.

  2. Could you show any real online documents from this hospital or something? If in the uber rare case scenario you have contracted malaria (rare disease in Mexico, but people can get dengue in the summertime), you'd already have symptoms by now if it were malaria. Dengue doesn't always reveal itself in first-time infectees. But even if you were infected, the disease clears itself in several months by itself as long as you're not reinfected during this time period. 4 years seems awfully strict in my opinion; considering over half of the country isn't tropical enough for these breeds of infected monsquitoes to survive (you don't mention which ruins you went to though, there are ruins in desertic areas of the country).

    And actually, Mexico isn't lazy about blood donations, they are strict. Don't even bother donating if you've ever had homosexual s*x even with a condom, they will automatically reject you. All blood is scanned for the typical diseases: HIV, HBV and HCV for starters. There's always the slim possibility those viruses won't show up if the donator was recently infected, but the risk of that happening with the blood still being clear to be used is the same anywhere.

    I have met two people that got Hepatitis C through blood donations, but the donations were done at least 5 years ago. Blood screening is getting more and more strict here.

    They are probably just being safe than sorry, but I still think that 4 years is a lot. It would be highly incredible that you were bitten by a chinche (unless you were in Chiapas and slept on a dirt floor in a shack house the whole trip), if the chinche bites you when you're asleep, you'd have a huge mark in your body the next day. Even if you got bitten, there's no proof it will always have the parasite either, and proper antibiotic therapy clears the infection for Chagas.

    I can still understand their worries if you were visiting a humid climate, but if you were in a place like Monterrey or Mexico City, I'd think they are overreacting.

  3. Probably because of any malaria or other disease in the area visited where you could have been bitten by an infected mosquito....

  4. You think? I don't know who they are but they are mistaken.

  5. Sometimes are mosquitoes with dengue  and other tropical diseases, which you do not know immediately.

    But 4 years? Maybe because the possibility, that you slept with somebody with aids...

  6. Because Mexico health regulations aren't as strict as the U.S., so if you went to Mexico, you are at risk of acquiring disease from mosquito bites, bad water, bad food, etc. The U.S. doesn't want to risk getting tainted blood.

  7. Wher did u hear that, what a load of c**p. who is "They"

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