
Cant eat Wheat?

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Hi can anyone suggest a good quality wheat free bread and any other help would be good




  1. No because Wheat is a type of grass grown all over the world for its highly nutritious and useful grain. It is one of the top three most produced crops in the world, along with corn and rice. Wheat has been cultivated for over 10,000 years and probably originates in the Fertile Crescent, along with other staple crops. A wide range of wheat products are made by humans, including most famously flour, which is made from the grain itself.

  2. I have me theres no good bread

  3. They're all gross. I suggest you do as I do and make your own from a gluten free flour mix. You can buy this flour from your supermarket. I do a lot of gluten free baking and it's the best way to get great-tasting gluten-free food.

    Just FYI, make sure you read ALL the labels on food products as wheat thickeners are in almost anything processed - even jam!

  4. NO !!!! Ezekiel Bread is not WHEAT FREE it's made with Sprouted Wheat.

    RYE usually has wheat in it along with Rye Flour(check the packakge)

    ENER G Foods makes a Rice Based Bread as do several other companies.

    I could tell where you lived so UK, The States so I can't advise you properly on where to go.. this is a shot in the Dark. WHOLE FOODS, & On-line, some better Health Food Stores, locally my grocery stores even has some in the "Nutritional Department".

    If it's only wheat you are allergic to (& not Gluten) There are Spelt Breads with out wheat in them.

    There are also plenty of Gluten Free(Wheat free) mixes on the market, 1 of my faves is Pamela's. Even Amazon sales it.

    Call your local bakeries, they may be able to help.

  5. Very common problem , spasmonal is a medication your doctor can prescribe you . The reason I suggest this is all the gluten free breads I have tried are nasty .

  6. god do i feel for you! all the big supper markets do gluten free food, because it's just not bread that's made from wheat.

    watch out most tined & packet soup have some sort of flour in them, & most prepacked meals have wheat in them.

    try health food shops as well. good luck

  7. My friend has Coeliacs disease and she gets her bread on prescription which she says is the best she has tried. It has to be 'refreshed' in the microwave.

    Have you asked your practise nurse for a list of wheat free products available

  8. Rye bread should be wheat-free, but it's often a bit heavy.

    Most supermarkets have 'free-from' or similar sections these days - you should find something there.

    Also, look out for foods made with other grains such as oats.

  9. I believe Ezekiel makes a wheat free bread and I think manna can come wheat free too.

  10. if you go to shops like Asda and Sainsbury's, they usually have an allergy section for wheat-free, glutten-free etc. There's also specialty shops but they tend to be more expensive.

  11. EnerG is the best tasting I've found. But the crispbread from morrisons is better than any of the breads. Tesco have their own range which is a good alternative to enerG and they're own make muffins are good. They're own range is called 'free from'. There is also a good gravy/sauce mix.

    Some cereals off the shelf are wheat free, you need to make extra sure you get nutrition on this diet, cheerios oats are free from and fortified with vitamins/minerals.

  12. d**n there was i going to offer to make the toast and coffee

  13. some of the wheat free breads arent too nice.why dont you  maybe get a breadmaker?theyre about £30 you just chuck the ingredients in and the machine does the work,can bake bread in less than an can control what goes in ,and whats tastier than hot fresh bread?hope this helps!
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