
Cant figure out these headaches?

by  |  earlier

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ive had it for a few weeks now.. day after day..

Pain in upper back of neck..

Throbbing pain on sides and front of head..

pressure behind eyes

mouth sometimes hurts

and no matter what i take, advil, asprin, aleve, naproxin, butal, excedrin migraine, excedrin tension, and so on.. nothing helps at all.. what do u think ?




  1. The best advice is to see your Doc. There maybe an underlying physical problem that is causing your symptoms. Since, you have tried several over-the-counter medications without relief then, see your Doc. He/she knows your medical history and can perform any tests, if warranted and, maybe refer you to a specialist. This has been going on for a " few weeks". Time to seek medical care. Any problems with your vision?? Any dizziness?? Nausea or vomiting?? Any numbness or tingling sensations in your arms, fingers, face ?? Any recent injury or strenuous exercise or, heavy lifting ??

    I ask these questions because it may help you to think if such things are occurring or, to get you to think about an event that may have triggered your symptoms.

    You need to be evaluated by a medical professional, the sooner the bettter.

    I hope that this is helpful and that you feel better soon.

  2. I don't know if you have changed anything in your diet but if you have removed the caffeine from your diet it could be a caffeine headache if so get some caffeine. Other then that it could be a sinus headache take some sinus medication if none of this works go see a doctor.  

  3. that happen to me but i just took Tylenol i got better  

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