
Cant get over the fall...any idea how

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whenever i skate i know that i can do better but i am afraid to fall and i do not know how to get over it. i know that it doesn't hurt all that much but i think that it may be the embarrassment or something. i really like skating and i would like to become so much better but i don't know how to.

and please say something useful




  1. you should go to an open skate and wear elbow and knee pads and just keep falling until you get used to it.

    and if you fall just get up as fast as you can, falling just means your daring enough to do new things instead of being safe and trying the same old things

  2. Have confidence and picture everyone naked ;)

  3. Everyone falls!  Even the pros!  Sasha Cohen fell in the Olympics, and still got the silver!  It's ok to fall, it really is.  No one is perfect.  Start off doing things slowly and gradually add speed.  Bend your knees a lot.  Focus on the element that you are doing, and only that element.  As my coach says, "Focus on the now.  The past is past."  If you fall, just get up and try again.  No big deal.

  4. If you are afraid of falling, forget figure skating. Figure Skating without falling is absolutely impossible. Why be embarrassed? Look around you, and when other people are trying something new, you'll see that they fall a lot too. You'll embarrass yourself if you continue not doing much.

  5. Go to a gymnastics class for a few weeks, learn how to do very simple rolls and dives. Then graduate to a trampoline and some diving off of a swim board. The idea is for you to learn to control your body while it is airborne. You may never get over your fear completely, but you will learn to do it safely.  It will probably improve your skating as well.  I make much the same recommendation to my ski students. It is a matter of knowing what you need to do with your body and then controlling it with muscle memory.  

  6. When skater stops falling, she stops learning. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks of you. Look at it this way, you actually have a reason to fall because you are practicing things more complicated then them so there is no reason why you should be embarrassed. My advise would be pretend that you are the only person in the rink and get up as fast as you can so no one gets worried that you had a serious injury or anything like that.

  7. Well as crazy as this will sound, sometimes you have to fall to not fall. If you keep practicing, you will fall, and even the biggest named professionals fall. But like i was saying, you will notice you will start to fall less and less to the point where you won't be scared to fall anymore. You can't go easy to not fall, or else you don't gain anything.

  8. the best way to feel comfortbale falling is seriously, to just keep doing it! find a session perhaps when it is less crowded if you get unfortable around people or something, and what iused to do was to practice my shoot the duck (youtube it if you have not yet learned this element ;] ) because it makes you comfortable with falling, because you have less time of falling because you are already closer to the ground then you would be in most other things. this will alos help you a lot oin your further skating, because you will need to learn this position for things like sit spins. you just have to keep falling to know that it will be the only way you will progress. you have to think about yourself and how good you will become if you get comfortable with this, and not think about what the people around you are thinking, because chances are, youre better than them at skating anyway! just look around at all the people falling during a public session, there are so many slipping around! you just have to keep practicing getting down into that ice and getting up with confidence. i know you can go it. GOODDD LUCK!! =)

  9. Get on a trampoline or a bed and fall as many was as you can purposely... You might just get over the fear .. This is a process called Habituation... seriously.. goood luck

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