
Cant get to my Yahoo 360 home page?

by Guest58202  |  earlier

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ok so I go to Yahoo 360,it tells me to sign in ,I do and then it tells me my email address that is listed is already being used in the yahoo 360 network to go go the memebers directory and add another email address. Right now I am not even sure if I have a home page on Yahoo 360 but since its telling me my yahoo address is being used in the 360 network I am guessing I must have a home page but its not allowing me to go threre or if I dont have yahoo 360 home page it wont allow me to join since my email address is in use.

Anyone have any ideas cause I am pretty confused at this point




  1. go to the 360 home page, and when you put in your SN, ask them to send you the password..."forgot your password' they will send it to your email and then all you do is go to your inbox and retrieve your password. Use it with the ID that you have been trying to put in.


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