
Cant get video off of camera?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I bought a pci video card from New Egg. It creates a firewire port for me to plug my mini dv camera into. The new problem is, I cant figure out how to get the video off of my camera. I have tried almost everything. I have four different video programs on my computer, including the one that came wth the video card, and every time I click on the, get video from camera, i says it cant find a compatible camera.

How do I do this? Can anyone help?

I have vista, and I have already gone to the cameras site to see if there were any updates for the camera or computer t make it compatible wth vista but it said that the camera should already be compatible. What else can I do?




  1. Vista has had some problems with firewire so I'd check with New Egg that the card is compatible if you continue to have problems.

    You might be able to fix it like this:

    Go into Device Manager (Control Panel / System / Hardware)

    Expand the IEEE1394 Bus host controllers, right click on your  device and uninstall it.  If it's not there to start with, you've got a problem!

    Shut down your PC.

    Connect the camcorder, switch it to play and reboot your PC.  You should see messages coming up as the card and then the camcorder are detected.

  2. Make sure your camera is in playback mode.

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