
Cant he bank charge me an overdraft fee if they dont pay the charge?

by  |  earlier

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If a charge comes through my bank account and the bank account doesnt pay it can the bank still charge me an overdraft fee of 35.00?




  1. Yes. The Bank still had to return the check which cost them money. Even if its not paid, it is still considered an Overdraft charge.

  2. Yes.  If the charge was going to over draft your account, the bank can refuse to make the payment AND they will charge you a bounced check fee.  If you have over draft protection, it will pay the charge BUT you will still get the bounced check charge.

  3. Yes the banks can charge you the fee, even though they did not pay they check or charge someone had to process that returned payment, thus the insufficient funds fee is born.


  4. Yes they can and will. Sometimes if you call and your account is normally in good standing and this was an honest mistake on your part ( and you tell them that) they will refund the fee. Not all the time, but it is still worth calling and trying to see what they can do. Don't ask them to when you call just tell them you where checking your account and noticed they had charged you a fee and explain what happened after that. Good luck.

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