
Cant keep count.. HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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im a fairly gd dancer and i hav a concert in about 3 weeks. i known my steps i just have really bad timing. my dance teacher says i need to just count while im dancing and ill be find but i cant seem to get the steps right and my counting.. anyone know a good trick to help me?




  1. try going on the words or just sit down and really listen, then go by the beats in each song. count by 8- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

  2. well actually i dont go by counts. I go by the sound of the music. Ex.- if the word were like i'm going home then i would know to put my leg up or somethin. If u cant count go by the music

  3. I have many ways of keeping timing in dancing cause... well im not good at counting either XD

    Soo... i find that is helps to  count in 'dun's' or 'ta's' or something like that.

    I also find that if you if you count in a singing voice in your head. So if you sing in your head at the same time then it will work

    If you lip sinc it slightly then that wonrk too XD

    lol i have some wierd ways but they work trust me

    Hope i helped youuh

    It workz 4 me so i hope it does fro you xox

    bye xooxxo

  4. listen to the song and tap your hands on the table to the tempo of the song. then start counting. that'll be your count to the song. then do your dance and see what moves land on your counts.

  5. Whilst The Music Is On Listen Carefully For Continues Beats. Follow Them And You Will Soon Get The Hang Of It =)

    Good Luck In Your Concert! =)

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