
Cant make my urine come out faster?

by  |  earlier

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When I pee It flows out fine and does not hurt but when I am peeing normally and i try to push my pee out faster it kind of slows down?

I remember being able to do this but i woke up this morning and it felt wierd and when ever i try to push to make it come out faster and harder it kind of slows down?

I got drunk last night could this be a sign of bladder infection?




  1. dont rush it just let the urine come out at its own pace. If you just drank a lot of water it can take a  long time because there is a lot of  waste to empied out of your body. Just stand at the urinal(if youre in a public restroom) and let your p***s do its thing. I can understand if you are late to a meeting or something but youre not and even if you are when you gotta go you gotta go. Oh and if you were drunk that can make the stram slow! I hpe that helps!

  2. drinking makes you dehydrated that why the flow was so slow.

    drink plenty of water and it will bwe back to normal

  3. Could be, but talk to a doctor and ask him about FloMax, which is some kind of medicine for that condition (if it's not a bladder infection).

  4. yes, you p***s will fall off if you do not see a dr

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