
Cant see the youtube player or any flash movie?

by  |  earlier

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And i got the latest flash player... huh.

Also when i login to youtube or whatever it doasnt save my login information, like, i have to type my account and pass everytime i wanna login...

I think its something about the cookies :\

So.. yeah, help?

please? :(




  1. Okey,guys:)

    I used to have the same problem. It turned out all of a sudden. You can leave it alone and try again on some other time. Or download the vid before watching.

    u can try moyea flv downloader, It downloads fast with very high quality, and it's free! I've been using it for a long time.

        Install and start the downloader.

        Press "New"

        Fill in the absolute link or url.

        Click "Add"

        The downloader will automatically save it to your hard drive.

        Then you can watch it with the embeded flv player.

        You can search "flv downloader" on for more info.

  2. Maybe it's just the computer you have. It may be so old that it isn't compatible with any of the new flash players all the different videos require.

    If you have a newer computer, then I can't help since I'm no computer expert lol. Maybe you could take it back to the store you bought it from and ask their technicians what they think is wrong.

    Good luck. :]

  3. If i'm not wrong, after u type d pw and name, a box asking "Do u wan 2 save d information?" will appear.Press ok.

    Mayb u should get d plud ins 4 flash player?

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