
Cant if u can.....

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Im 14-and-a-half, it's bout 3:30 and I can't sleep.It's like this evry nite.if u have any advice to give, i'd appreciate it.




  1. Simple steps you can follow :

    1. Buy Comedy movies

    2. go to sleep early with the movies on.

    3. Surely you will fall in deep sleep soon.

    Nice and sweat dreams!

  2. Try warm milk and a turkey sandwich.  Don't watch tv in your bed.  Go to bed at the same time every night, get up at the same time every morning.   If you can't sleep don't stay in bed and toss and turn.  Get up out of bed for about 15 minutes to half hour then try again.  While you are up try reading a book, one that isn't particularly interesting or watch a political news show on television.  That should make you tired and help you sleep.  Good luck.

  3. I have the same problem, altho I'm 37 weeks pregnant so its kinda expected!

    How much caffeine do you drink?? Lay off it before bedtime, i drink far far too much coke i think that's why I'm up most of the time!

    Also try having a warm milky drink before bed it might knock you out some!

    I find that if i listen to music too it helps, so if you have a personal music thingy use that it could help you doze off when you wake up! i can imagine your waking up even more exhausted than what you were when you went to bed??

    oooh also, have a hot bath with lavender bubble bath before bed if you can, lavender proper knocks me out, i bath my little boy with it before bed every night and hes out for the count , the stuff is a godsend.

    good luck i hope you find something that works  

  4. When I can't sleep, I walk about the yard until I get tired. In the colder months when it's too cold to go outside I walk indoors. It's very relaxing if you're alone!

  5. lol same here, dats y im always online all night. But here's sum tips:

    1. Do sumthing really boring

    2. Play video games until u feel sleepy

    3. Dont sleep during the day

    4. Just lay down and relax

    they help me most of the time :-)

  6.   Take hot shower, drink a cup of milk, empty your mind and sleep or

    Count the imaginary  goats until you fall  asleep.    


  7. Is there anything troubling you? If there is my advice would be to speak either to your parents or a close friend. If there isn't anything troubling you, what do you do before bedtime? Is it something over stimulating such as gaming, listening to music or reading? You could try physical activity preferably in the fresh air earlier in the evening and showering or bathing before bed. Change your bedtime routine so it's more of a wind down and you actually feel ready for sleep. If nothing else works and you continue to have sleepless nights the last resort is your GP.

  8. tell your mom to buy you some calcium and take it 30 minutes every night before you go to bed it will put you right to sleep. hope this helps

    btw calcium is a vitamin

  9. Drink warm milk with a drop of honey and few drops of lavender oil on your pillow,try to be more active durning the day, best of luck I know what its like its a major pain.

  10. tell your mum to book you an appointment with your doctors and see if they can do anything about it

  11. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

  12. drink some chamomile tea.

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