
Cant stop gaining!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5,7 and weigh 113 pounds. This summer, well over the past month or two really I've gained 11 pounds!!! I'm getting over a slight ed and am just getting very very worried I won't be able to stop gaining! Please help! I know I'm not fat fat but I have filled out a lot and would just prefer not to gain anymore. I keep binging, I can't stop eating until I'm sick full of food. :S I'm still obsessed with food and just want to know some tips on how to stop being so obsessed.

Please help, I'm very close to panicking and start up a proper diet like I used to.




  1. First off:  Gaining weight does not necessarily mean you gained FAT.  My guess is that you are still growing, so gaining weight from muscle and bone is inevitable.  At 113lbs your probably underweight as it is, so don't sweat gaining a few pounds.

  2. your deff not overwight kay so dnt worry abt a diet :]
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