
Cant swallow tablets?

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everytime i swallow a tablet it just wont let me swallow it!anyone got this problem?what can you do to help it?




  1. Try taking it with something a bit thicker than water - yoghurt or ice cream for example

  2. Pop the tablet into your mouth and snatch any cup of water and GULP DOWN. Well, It works for me.

  3. I think part of the problem in swallow pills is just your mind.

    You think you might get choked.

    But actually our throat is quite large to swallow lots of pills

    in one go with little water.

    So put all your pills in your mouth and drink water normally.

    For beginner, you might want to drink the water as if you are

    really thirsty, just suck all the water in one go and so all the

    pills should flow down your throat smoothly.

    I hope this help, try it.

  4. Try drinking your water from a bottle.

    Dunno why but i never used to be able to swallow them & then one day i drank it from a bottle & it worked (:Tilt your head back. And drink it in one big gulp

  5. Sometimes I get that, when I'm nervous to swallow it, your probably all tensed up, try to relax when you swallow it (easier said than done I know, but try) maybe break the tablet in half, or buy the slim capsule tablets they make, trust me I take them and they're much easier to swallow. xx

  6. my mum has this problem, so she has found to have a cup of tea and a biscuit works, the biscuit goes down with the pill! good luck no chocking though.

  7. i use to have that problem when i was little, my mum use to put the tablet in a spoonful of jam and i swallowed it with no problem at all.

  8. yh i was never able to swallow pills

    but if you just take it with water and pretend its just the water it helps a bit

  9. lol you wuss, water will help.

  10. dude try drinking syrup, or what you can do I DONT KNOW IF THIS WORKS, is that you can maybe put the tablet in a glass of water, and wait for it to dissolve and then drink the whole thing. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS WORKS, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

  11. 99% of all tablets are available in liquid form.

  12. you can swallow a tablet but you are risking paper cuts...might wanna start with a smaller notepad

  13. Hi, try crushing them up between two spoons, and swallow with some water  

  14. i used to suffer with this problem i started by cutting tablets down smaller and putting them right at the back of the tougue then take it with a drink i like and that has flavour to it then tilt youhead back as you swalloe to make it go down properly. i also made sure i had a sweet or biscuit for after it takes time and practice but you will get there eventually i had to have liquid form untill i was 16 then made myself learn how to take tablets hope this helps good luck

  15. yeahh i have a phobia of taking tablets soo i dont but what helps then go down quicker is milk and you can break them in half but like someone said u get most in lquids  

  16. Jessica I was exactly the same.I'm 33 and I couldn't take tablets for 20 years....until I had such a horrific mouth abscess two months ago that I did it!And you know what?I can finally say it was all in my mind.Try putting the water in your mouth first then slip the tablet between your lips ever so slightly throwing your head back as you do so.....I promise it will go down.Also,don't forget that tablets are sugar-coated these days and it's virtually impossible for them to get stuck.Good luck...I know it's scary when you have a genuine fear but if I can do it, I swear anyone can!xx

  17. If you truly cannot swallow the pill, try putting the pill in applesauce or a spoonful of jelly.  Just swallow the jelly or applesauce and voila pill gone.

  18. I have to break tablets in half to swallow them - drink loads of water after,  taking hard gulps to be sure its gone down. Try it.

  19. take a drink of water with it :)

    and dont worry, lots of people have that problem :)

    its kinda a "gipping" feeling isnt it?


    hope this helps!


  20. Yes, I have to have everything in liquid form or dissolve the tablet in water

  21. Water or smash it put it in food or with jam on toast .

  22. It is a case of confidence that the vitamin pill or whatever will slide down.

    I just have a normal swig of beer, with a nutriument thing in my mouth, & swallow normally.

    No problem, just try & forget there is a tiny tablet in there, glug it down, and all is well

  23. Breaking the tablet in half might help.

    Then take a half and stick your tongue out as far as it will go - really stretch it out!

    Then open your mouth and place the tablet right at the back of your tongue, as far as possible.

    When you pull your tongue back in the tablet will already be halfway down your throat, just tip your head bad and swallow a big gulp of water.

  24. A lot depends on the size of the tablet. Crushing it and putting it in a spoonful of jam helps. Capsules can be pulled apart and the powder put in jam as well. I have the same problem and find the plastic capsules are the worst for sticking. Maybe you could ask your doctor if you can have the medicine in liquid form. If you have to pay for it it could cost more. Good luck.

  25. Place it on yuor tongue and wash it down with a lot of water.
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