
Cant talk about it anymore .pc taken my free speech away?

by  |  earlier

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listen to guns and roses from a few years ago great song




  1. Public attitudes are molded .

    to deviate from this means going against the system and the system cannot allow this .

    I was already aware of this more than a year ago when i got suspended ,(twice )for speaking against the accepted propaganda`s.

    The hold gets tighter all the time

    All forms of traffic on the air waves are monitored by now.

    Cell phones ,the emails ,chats everything.

    Welcome to the real world

  2. Just an FYI--Yahoo is a privately-held company, its "space" open to the public but not publicly-owned. There's no free speech here. Yahoo can censor what we say in any way it wants to, including deletion and ejection of offenders--just like you can in your living room.

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