
Cant use the computer well enought to find info on birthmother?

by  |  earlier

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name ,mary ann white and then mary ann fitzsimmons. was told by man on computer that she gave birth as white. this is what i know. gave birth to a boy ( me) on 11/8/ 1946 in oakland ca., she was born in pa. ,was 27 at time of birth in 1946, she had 3 sisters, dad was irish img. and owened a grosery store , this last info. came from catholic childrens home ,for unwed mothers in oakland ca. her name on records was listed as mary ann white and mary ann fitzsimmons, i was given both last names at birth? i would really appreaceate someone better at this , helping me, m. h.




  1. try looking on (she's obviously in the 65+ category) if you have any idea what state, that would help a lot, but you could try contacting all a bunch of them

  2. this is not a problem of you not knowing how to use the computer.  The thing is to understand that information on LIVING persons is not always going to be on the internet.  If she was born pre 1930, she might be findable in the 1930 census... but this will not tell you more recent information.  

    One good location for directory information is

    It is not guaranteed to be current, however.

    Good luck.

  3. You can try intelius. regular searches are free but for people that have more private listings it does cost. You will need a credit or debit card(pick one up from your local money box if you don't have one). A gift Visa card will work. There is a Mary ann White in Oakland  California. It will cost 2.95 to see if this is your Mary.When you do the search and it fills a page hold control while you hit the f once and put in what city you are looking for and if it is on the page the find utility will find it.

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