
Can;t wear my cross to school?

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I got a nice pure gold cross for my birthday and I love it!!! My school said that we can;t wear crosses or anything religious because it influences what other kids think WTF!!! I mean if you are really catholic, jews or hindu you will not be easily influenced by a cross on someone's neck!! what do you think?

I wasn't flaunting it It was just on my neck.




  1. I can not believe they told you that!  If you were my child, the school would be hearing from me.  I would send letters to the teachers, the principal, the school board and even the mayor.  That is absolutely unacceptable.  In my opinion, it is a total violation of the first amendment, freedom of religion!

    Try getting your parents involved if they are willing.  Good luck to you.

  2. Wear it, if they tell you to take it off, ask why, then pull the anit-Christian card...If that doesn't work, bring up separation of church and state...they will most likely give you your way because they don't want to be in the news.

    This relates to saying the pledge of allegiance in school.  I don't get what the big deal was...just don't say "under God".  You like in the USA, say the pledge!!!

  3. well if you see other people wearing signs of their religion and nothing is being said then say something to someone in authority, don't just sit back and cry about an injustice go and take action about it. People can talk about separation of church and state all they want but in the end they all go hand in hand, people choose to take one out of the other but really how different is praying in school versus when you get a good grade on a test you though you did bad on and you say "thank you jesus!" Wear your cross proudly don't let anybody take it away from you.

  4. well that's kinda stupid.

    my teachers wore crosses and so did the students.

    My aunt gave me a beautiful cross for my birthday and i wore it to school and my teachers even complimented on it.

    but its the seperation of church and state and religion isn't to be broght into school

  5. Wear it under your shirt.

  6. I think you should be able to wear it, but society is changing so much now so the rules have changed.  

  7. Oh, I'm so sad - but if you are going to public school, that's just the way it seems it's going. In some schools and school divisions, there are huge fights over this kind of thing - any religious symbolism, including ceremonial daggers and hijabs.

    I wouldn't risk wearing it, because it might get confiscated.

    However, if this is something you feel strongly about, maybe approach the principal, or a person from the school board, and see if there is a formal, written policy regarding these. The way I see it, it would have to be ALL symbols banned, not just some, for it to be fair.

  8. i would jsut wear it who cares wat they say

  9. I'm almost positive that you can fight that. Have your parents come in to talk to the school, and if that does not work, then I'd take it to the school board. ♥

  10. You'll get it back, they can't just steal it from you.

    I'd wear it anyway.

  11. maybe if it did influence more people the world wouldnt have this problem.  

  12. i think that is rediculas i know several people that wear crosses, or stars to school every day. i would have your parents call the school princapal that is stupid.

  13. Read the Constitution. You have freedom of religion, and NOBODY can take that away from you. You can take it to court, and testify, and if convicted, they can be sued, and the person who first told you no will be fired! (if it's your most hated teacher who did, you'll never see her again! yeah!)

  14. yeah its the same at my school

    its public and we cant wear anything religious

    but girls can wear those scarf things.

    calm down.

    just dont wear it to school

    i think youll get over it.  

  15. youre in the US, right?

    well in the US we have freedom of religion and we can express our religions freely. your school doesnt have the right to take your cross away from you...

  16. I wouldn't have a problem nut some people have different ideas and views then others.

    Separation of Church and State.

    I once was at a street corner, one called church and the other state.

  17. yea i know alot of indian and muslim people get to go around wearing all those scarves as part of their religion, but OHHH a little necklace offends someone? maybe you should tell them that, everyone should have freedom of religion.

  18. actually they can NOT stop you from wearing your cross,,unless it is a private school, if it is a public school then you can wear it as much as you like.l especially if there are others in your school that are wearing religious attire..

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