
Cantaloupes -how do u know when its ripe

by Guest66994  |  earlier

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i always always always buy a cantaloupes thats either not ripe enough or so ripe its gross i know know to buy them if they have like black on em and bad spots but ya than




  1. A ripe cantaloupe will have an overall orange color, and will have a "cantaloupe" smell.

    Most supermarket cantaloupes, watermelon, and tomatoes are picked before they ripen on the vine, and are shipped to market in trucks while the fruit ripens. You can buy a beautiful tomato at the market; but, when you eat it, it tastes like newspaper. Watermelon and cantaloupe are the same--they look ripe; but, when you cut into them--eat them--they are tasteless.

    Just this past week, my mother purchased 10 pounds of "home-grown" tomatoes for me. These tomatoes were beautiful, and yes they may have been home-grown; but, they were not "vine ripened". These tomatoes were tasteless, and my mother paid a little over $2 a pound for these "tasteless" tomatoes.

    Caveat Emptor.

  2. If they smell sweet then they are ripe. Its not always how they look, if they are green though on the outside then they arent ripe. If they are light tan/beige they are ripe.  

  3. A ripe cantaloupe should have a very sweet fragrance.  Also push on the opposite end of the stem, it looks like a watermelon bellybutton and it should give a little.  If it is hard when you push on it, it is not ripe.

    Cantaloupes will ripen after they are picked so if you pick one that is under ripe, you can wait a few days until you can smell it. The inside color underneath the rind should be a golden/orange color.  If it is green, it is not ripe.

  4. There are several ways people use to pick a ripe cantaloupe, I go by outside appearance. Look for an all over creamy color in between the "webbing". If it is green it's not ripe. A little green is OK. Of course you want the melon to be firm also.

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