
Cantering Issue Mixed With Fear!!?

by  |  earlier

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My instructor has been sick for, like, 3 weeks. She said that I couldn't canter until I could trot a circle. I can, but I guess it's not good enough. The owner of the stable's sister took over our lessons. She had us do things we never did, and she wanted me to canter. I was afraid. She said she would hit my horse to get her to go and she told me not to do anything. I accidentally kicked the horse too and she kinda went crazy. That was two weeks ago. I wouldn't canter last week when she asked me, but now I'm afraid of next week. I want to canter, but I don't, you know? And I need to hurry, because what if my instructor comes back?!?

Please answer, and I DON'T want any answers that say something like : "just try, and the worst thing could be that you don't like it"

Help please, riding is Monday, I think my real instructor will be sick, and that means C*A*N*T*E*R!!




  1. You don't need to hurry and you shouldn't canter until you feel ready to do so. The person on the horse is YOU so who cares what your instructor thinks.

    Are you always riding under supervision of the instructor or do you have time to practice on your own? What I would do is try and practice once or twice in between lessons. Just go and trot a lot in the round pen and increase your confidence.

    Tell your instructor that you are scared. Honesty is the best policy.

    I think when your instructor is blaming it on you she is telling you that the horse isn't respecting you. This is probably because you are nervous. Cantering is actually a smoother ride than a trot. Its faster but is real nice.

    But you need to get rid of this attitude that you need to HURRY. Horseback riding is serious activity so you need to do it right, not hurry. You will have plenty of time to canter. Make sure you get the trot down first. Besides improving your confidence, I would not canter until you can get the pony to turn in the trot 100%of the time.


  2. I am a riding instructor.  First of all if you are not ready then you should not be cantering.  Do you ride english or western?  What kind of trot are you doing on a circle?  Can you trot without your stirrups yet?  I do not let my students canter until they are physically ready ( sitting their trot without their stirrups keeping their seat in the saddle and their upper bodies up straight and tall.)  and mentally ready (looking forward to learning a new gait and calm enough for me to talk them through the transition and such) Two things you can try is a lunge line connected to your horse so your trainer can control the speed of your horse and you learn how to sit and relax at the canter.  The other thing that you might try depending on your horse is to bridge your reins in one hand and hold on the the pommel with the other hand.  The third thing that you can do is simply tell your sub trainer that you do not wish to learn to canter yet.  There are so many things to work on at the walk and trot.  Dont worry so much it will happen when you are ready.  Cantering shouldn't be such a stressful thing!  

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well i would call your trainer that is sick and ask her if it is okay if you don't canter. and then just ask if when she gets beck you can have private lessons on cantering. but good luck

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