
Canvas or vynil heavy bag?

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What are the pros and cons of each material?




  1. Vinyl probably looks better and is less

    expensive while canvas it definitely "Old-

    School" and lasts much longer.. Canvas

    bags  don't  look  too bad either when

    they're relatively new.. But I would definitely

    recommend Canvas.. Plus canvas-bags

    can probably  be heaviest in terms of

    weight, when making your selection.

  2. Vinyl is the worst choice. When punched with o glove it seems quite sticky and the gloves wear down much faster(in my experience). When punched with the bare fist you can get skin-burns on your knuckles if you don't hit properly.

    Canvas is better.

    The best choice is genuine leather. There are no known problems wether you punch it with a glove or not.

    Please excuse any grammar problems, but english is not my first language.

  3. Punching without gloves on a canvas bag toughens your knuckles, but apart from that, there is not many differences. A good leather bag I have found lasts longer than any other material. Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists.

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