
Capitalism is about freedom? REALLY?

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I kind of feel like a prisoner... Forever in debt - College Debts - Credit Card Debts... prices fluctuate JUST a tiny bit, the balance is broken, and you are screwed...

Capitalism SUCKS - Life sucks unless you are born an elite...




  1. I must agree with you. Marxist theory goes in-depth about various flaws in capitalism societies. The Bourgeois are the very selected few that signs the checks, while the Proletariat is the working class. though it's not intentional the bourgeois exploits the proletariat in a capitalism  society. However, the proletariat deals with it because of false consciousness. We make ourselves believe that if we work hard we'll become right and become the bourgeois, so you work hard all your life, however, it won't come true..... anyways it's a lot to the theory, you should look it up. pretty interesting stuff

  2. Yes, it is about freedom of choice. Who make you go to college? Many people work right after high school and high school is free. Who ask you to apply for a credit card? My Dad do without a credit card for the last 76 years and he is alive and well ( he is not rich ). People are greedy, they spend beyond what they have then blame it on Capitalism.

  3. No freedom except what you wrestle away for your self . From these cold dead hands ?

  4. Capitalism is a beautiful concept. Too bad that it has never been tried!!!

    What is usually called capitalism is really monopolistic protectionism. The "capitalists" constantly invoke governmental intervention to protect their monopoly or market position. The also use the government to limit their liability for acts adverse to the people and ecology. Perfect capitalism would entail complete freedom of action but also total responsibility for all consequences of those actions.

    The contradiction of current "capitalism" are exceeded only by the contradictions of marxism.

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