
Capitalization in Christian religious figures?

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So, every time I read something (like a novel) that has religious figures or references involved, it always seems that "God" is capitalized, while the "devil" is not.

Is it because he his title is technically "The Devil" and "God" is...well, god's name?

I'm feeling like that is what it is...but sorry, haha, I'm completely oblivious over here.

Thanks for your help. =]




  1. Because a lot of people think god is real, and moreover that he wants to be capitalized.

    Whereas they don't think much of the devil, and choose not to capitalize it except when using the proper name Satan.

    Actually both god and devil are holy/unholy figments of imagination, and there is no special reason to capitalize them.


  2. You're pretty much right, God is typically called God although apparently he named himself Yahova (Remember Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade when Indy steps on the "J"), after all who was there to name him besides people?

      The Devil is different from devils since in mythology there are plenty of devils and daemons to go around, but when referring to the fallen angel Lucifer, then you can capitalize The Devil since it is referring to "THE" Devil, not the others, same way as God is capitalized since he is considered THE God.

      I find it unfortunate that in all literature today that "gods" is not given the respect as God is given since in this age of religious tolerance that things are still so monotheisticly bias.

      the "Old Gods" were not The Devil, but simply an earlier form of worship...or maybe the loss of the old gods could be considered deicide (murder of deities)!

  3. Satan is in caps.

    devil is more generic.

  4. It is a sign of reverence for God. There is nothing to be reverence about the devil.

    In Jewish tradition - in mentioning 'God' they leave off the vowel as a sign of deep respect and honor  and spell it 'G_d" - or JHWH.

  5. Satan is his name, and it is capitalized, as it is a proper noun.  The devil is not a proper noun.  It is a common noun and is not capitalized.

  6. I think you are right, God is His name and the devil is in reference to what he is.

  7. superstition from people that think they know better or just because.

  8. This will soon change also as time goes on.The devil and his followers still hate God.

  9. We use a capital G in God to differentiate our God from other gods people worship.  If you read the Bible any place where it says god with a small G it is talking about pagan gods.  When you see it with a capital G it is talking about the one and only true God.  (By the way, one of the reasons I stick with the KJV Bible is that the NKJV has a place where god is spelled with a large G where it should be a small g there by making it look like the people were worshiping the true God when they were really worshiping a pagan god who was the devil...there are many such errors in the NKJV Bible.)  I personally never spell satin or devil with a capital letter for the shear reason that I refuse to give him that much respect.

  10. "God" is His name (in English) -- a proper noun, therefore capitalized.

    The "devil" is a descriptive term, but not his name -- just a noun (not proper), therefore not capitalized.  If used as a title, "The Devil" is proper and should be capitalized.

    "Satan" is his name -- a proper noun which should always be capitalized.  

    When I speak of all the gods humanity has invented, I'm not using any particular deity's name.  In this context, "gods" is not a proper noun and is not capitalized.

    It's the rules of English grammar (not religious rules) that determine which words should be capitalized.  I know it's confusing, but the same rules apply to all of written English.

    Edit:  Good grief, my religious friends!  It's not about "respect" at all -- it's just perfectly ordinary English grammar.

  11. God's name is God I suppose and the devil's name is Satan.  Therefore, Satan is capitalized.  

  12. The devil is left in lower case letters because it is not his actual name. While God, has a capital letter because it is a title....if you will look at Psalms 83:18 you will find God's real name.....Jehovah.

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