
Capricorn, Cancer and Libra are in the mix....interesting situation...can you help?

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This is going to be a little long winded, but if you take the time to read it through I will appreciate it.

I'm Cancer. Been very close friends with a Capricorn male for several years. My husband knows him, likes him, and is friends with him too so there is nothing freaky going on. He is engaged to be married to a Libra in October. I do not approve of his choice because she is a self absorbed witch, attention w***e, yadda yadda, and she runs him ragged. She was upset that she couldn't have the wedding of her dreams and when I asked her what her wedding day was really about she said "ME!" When she left I told my Cappy friend that I had lost all respect for her right then and there because the answer I was looking for was "our love" or something to that effect. Needless to say, she flunked. While I had many reasons to know that she wasn't the one for him (flirts with other guys and talks to other guys on line, her myspace page says she single, etc.) that pretty much sealed the deal. Do you have any idea how hard it is for a Cancer to sit back and watch a train wreck? I am convinced that if he marries her it will make wretched his destiny, and have tried to tell him as much in the past (gently of course). The funny thing is that he told me I'm probably right and that it probably is a mistake, but he has to try it out and see. He has moon in Cancer if that helps at all.

Anywho, I haven't talked to him in about three months, but she has contacted me today to let me know that the wedding is in October and to look out for the invitation. Do I go? I mean, considering that I'm against it and considering that we haven't talked in a few months and he knows how I feel about this whole thing anyway? Do I go, or not go? She has never liked me and has made that painfully clear. The feeling is mutual. What to do? Thanks for listening. ;)




  1. Wow, tough situation? Well, if i was you, no matter how i much i didn't approve of the situation or the girlfriend, i would go. Because he's a good friend of yours and if it doesn't turn out happy la la la, he will want to know you're there for him. All you can do is show that you are there for him for support no matter what.. If she has contacted you, and told you that you would get an invitation, both husband and wife will get annoyed if you don't go, because you've been invited. Sorry if this is confusing.. hehe. Good luck!

  2. Oh wow thats so weird. My boyfriend is a Capricorn with a moon in Cancer too and I can understand why you are so protective of him. My guy has been hurt in the past many times by women just like that. They were all interested in themselves and wore him thin. When we started going out...well I cant quite describe it but it was like a thirsty man finally drinking at long lost. I am a Cancer too by the way and as you know we are all about we and us and not only for ME. So I understand how angry you must be with this woman but your Cappy friend seems like my guy and therefore is way too nice and easy for women like that to walk over.

    I honestly think there is nothing you can do because he has made his decision and he wont go back on it so as a friend you have to support him and just go for his sake. I dont blame you in the least for hating her guts because I would be itching to beat the **** out of her but its what your friend wants and he will do everything to make sure things work out between them.

    I hope things work out though and he dumps her before the wedding. And I kind of hope that if he doesnt that she is just being a bridzilla and will become a good person after its all done. Good luck there fellow Cancer. : )

  3. you go and support your friend. You can not make this choice for him but, you are his friend so just tell him that you are happy if he is happy. Sadly his new partner is like a lot of libra's most libras are very self absorbed and can be minipulative so that they get their way most often. all libras are very strong willed and hate to be told they are wrong. It really sux that you can not get along with her because it will be a big thorn in your friendship. I feel really bad for you and even worse for your friend. I can fully tell you that this girl will not change for anyone! libras set their scales to their own mesurement and you asking her to change is like throwing a huge rock onto one of her scales. This will be bad for you if she gets set off and makes you look like the friend who is too involved into their relationship, you could lose your friend to this crazy woman. good luck, I hope your friend sees her more for who she is and thinks twice about who he's going to be spending his life with.

  4. Go to the wedding. If it happens.

    He will need you when the time comes and she has fallen out love with of the idea of being married.

    (Keep your fingers crossed that it happens prior to the wedding like in this Libran's case. ha ha.)

    It's not that Librans don't like people - We are possessive of what is ours and what we believe and god help the poor soul who tries to mess with that. (He probably tells her you don't like her just to get her fired up more). Librans are always open to fixing things so it might pay for you to have a cuppa with her and get her version as well. Librans aren't fond of conflict - they just tend to speak a little too loudly about what they believe in and often offend people that don't understand how the Libran mind works.

    And Most Brides will say that thier day is all about them - go read the weddings answers - most respondents tell the poor bride "IT'S YOUR DAY DO IT YOUR WAY". You are being petty holding that against her. Her wedding is really none of your business unless you are part of the wedding party anyway.  

  5. Wow I wonder what kind of spell she put on him! Well anyway you know you can't help it that your friend is making a huge mistake.  Maybe this is a lesson he needs to learn so there is really little you can do about it. Also remember that you are only being showed one side of their relationship and what goes on between two people doesn't need to be explained to us. Reason why one puts up with the other, because we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

    I say go, since she dislikes you so much in a way you can ruin HER day be sure to take advantage of any photo opt you can. If you continue to fight him about his decision you will only lose him as a friend. Just go to show him that despite this you're his friend still. It will be up to him to keep in touch afterwords.  

  6. you should go. i mean he's still your friend and I'm sure he'd want you to be there. try to push your feelings aside for the special night. i'm sure he'd appreciate it. and you've got to respect your friend's wishes...i think the best thing you can do for him as a friend, is to be there for him when things hit the fan.

  7. You know what I would do in that Since we're talking about you and your friend though I think you should consider how bad it will hurt him if you don't show up. My mom and I told my brother ahead of time that we wouldn't be attending the wedding and why (we didn't like his fiance and didn't want to pretend we did) and he completely understood. He's really laid-back though and nothing like that really bothers him. So I would think about how it will affect your friend and whether or not he'll be alright with it. Being a Capricorn I would think that he would understand but that Cancer Moon might cause a little hurt. If you do decide not to go, let him know waaaay before the wedding and let him know that it has nothing to do with him. Hopefully, if you take that route he'll understand where you're coming from.

    My mom is a Cancer and was in the same boat as regards to my brother marrying a woman that she and ALL of the family could not stand. The "woman", if you can call her that, was a golddigger and made no effort to hide the fact. It was very very hard for her to hold her tongue and now she regrets it because as I said before my brother ended up getting an anullment just three months later. If it's weighing heavy on your heart then have one last talk with your friend and lay it all on the line. If he feels like this is probably a mistake that should tell him everything he needs to know anyway but I'm guessing he's hard-headed like my brother. Good luck with your situation whatever you decide to do!

  8. You should go to the wedding for the friendship of your male friend. If it makes him happy for you to be there, then you should. It's his moment, and regardless of what the predicted outcome might be of their relationship, do it for him. Forget the rest, because it doesn't really matter. If it's really a wrong thing, he will see it for himself later on. Guaranteed.

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