Please explain Capricorn men when they are in a relationship. Been with mine 3 1/2 years and when he is having family or job issues he gets really moody (very harsh) and takes it out on me. When he is like that he sometimes tells me he doesn't want to be in a relationship because he can't handle everything at once. ...he says he feels like a loser and I deserve better. However, after a few days or a week he snaps out of it and is the same sweet caring person. The last month is was kind of like that so I've been leaving him alone and on Friday night (probably wanted to see if I was going out,which I NEVER do) he calls me up to tell me he's been thinking about me. I try not to keep him on the phone long and when I hung up today I told him that we will talk later in the week and he said, "hopefully before than." Is this a typical pattern for Cappy men? When others things are bugging them do they take it out on the one they love? What also affects their moods?? Does it matter if they are a Dec or Jan Cappy?? Thanks in advance for any feedback I will receive!!!