Hello. I have a bad Double Capricorn Stellium.
Look at this:
Mars: Capricorn
Venus: Capricorn
Mercury: Capricorn
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Saturn: Capricorn
Jupiter: 10th house
Saturn Conjuncts Mercury
Saturn Conjuncts Neptune
Saturn Conjuncts Venus
My whole life I was very emotionally reserved. I rarely, if ever, laughed or smiled. I was very mature and very serious. I felt I had more in common with older people. These kids, even now at 18, are too immature for me. Even though it got better.
As a little kid I felt very very insecure meeting a stranger. At 16 it suddenly stopped. I once noticed I don't feel insecure meeting one or two strangers. I felt as secure as around my friends. At that time I was also doing a lot of meditating, visualization, affirmations, brainwave entertainment and such...