
Capricorn....To call or not to call? Any help/Opinions?

by  |  earlier

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I met a guy at the end of April this year we got talking i gave him my number..saw him the next night where he works (in a bar) we were talking for a while he told me bits about him then he text me later on asking what I was up to etc i didnt hear from him for a few weeks..On my Birthday he text to say have a good and we exchanged a few texts..I saw him on the Saturday night he said I looked gorgeous I moved on to the next bar after about 15 minutes an got a text straight away saying i didnt stay long and he should have got me a birthday drink..

Then I didnt hear from him again till last week when he text me being really chatty he added me on facebook and I said I would nip in an see him at work on the night he text and said he had gone home early and continued to text all night and since then we have been talking lots on msn an by text I since found out he did have a girlfriend and she finished with him becuase he cheated a few times he said he didnt know how to break up with her




  1. He sounds too young and too busy to know what he wants. I would say he's sowing his wild oats and unless you want to be a notch on his bedpost, I'd stay clear. When he leaves uni and moves 40 mins away that could be the end of any relationship you may have. Let him do the running, stay cool and don't get serious incase he's playing ego games.

  2. well if he didnt know how to break up with his previous girl friend and cheated on her whats to stop him doing the same to you in time.  I wont get to hung up on him i think he hasnt got a clue what he wants.

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