
Capricorn and Taurus relationship?

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I am a capricorn woman and my boyfriend is a Taurus. We have been together for almost 3 years. Do you think that we are a good match?




  1. yes

  2. its an awsome match .. almost like made in heaven..

  3. Absolutely, both earth signs -- I see this combo a LOT.


  5. duh! obviously! your a capricorn, you wouldn't have wasted time on someone for 3 years if you didn't already love and care deeply for them. so things must be working out right? LOL!

    seriously though, i know what you are saying, you want to just make sure the relationship will continue on this way and not take a quick turn for the worst right?

    taurus is unchanging they are fixed signs who will not vary in personality. what you have now will continue on until the day you two pass away. taurus love is till death do we part and they are stable and steady with personality and affections.

    taurus and capricorn are both earth signs. I am a capricorn and my mother is a capricorn and my father is a taurus. inseperable!

    as earth signs you have much in common on a soul level and you will have an unspoken understanding of each other. things should be pretty easy for you two to get along. as parents you two would make a great team as whatever you tell the kids taurus will back you up on and enforce to the end.

    you share commonalitites in personality, needs, desires, work goals, money management..... and the list goes on and on. a lot of books call this combination something along the lines of eternal love and loads of wealth all around. health, money, love, s*x life, everything has a common ground with you that you wont' find with an air water or fire sign.

    capricorn is a leader they are a cardinal sign who is born to be the initiator and get things started. they come up with ideas and make them work. they finish other peoples projects and make success. but sometimes they can be a little bossy and tell people what to do and how to do it.

    taurus is fixed. they are stubborn, unchanging and stick to their guns. they will hold a grudge, hold an opinion, hold an attitude etc. they have a great sense of who they are and can be inspirational to the capricorn as they will encourage you to keep going and keep persuing your dreams with the same determination as taurus has.

    when taurus gets too stubborn and wants to fight: try subsiding and coming back to the issue later on. give them time to come to their own conclusions and back off a while. don't keep persuing an issue face to face if their is heated arguement. usually though, earth signs are as cool as they get and are reasonable and fair.  

  6. well,knowing that you've been together for 3 years and he isn't your fiance...then no...

  7. Capricorns perfect matches are Taurus and Virgo.

    So that's a yes!


  8. Definately. Both Capricorn and Taurus are Earth signs. They match perfectly.

  9. Taurus Man & Capricorn Woman

    This is tied with Scorpio as your number-one soulmate match. You can find true love and happiness with the Taurus boy. He is a down-to-earth guy who you will really feel you can talk to and confide in. He is also very intense and passionate, and he will bring out the hidden romantic side in you. You both share the qualities of being strong-willed and eager for success in life, and you will help each other to keep your focus on winning and achieve your most important goals. He will focus his powerful personality and romantic attention on you, and make you feel loved and treasured in a very special way. A perfect soulmate match. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Capricorn girl and Taurus boy are both Earth signs, and as such, you've got common ground.  You have a mutual respect and understanding of what's important in life, and  value quality in all forms, from the kind of clothes you like to the kind of classes you want to take. It's so nice to be understood! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )


  10. Capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs! Earth signs are very compatible with other earth signs, so your good!

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