
Capricorn men seem to fall for Geminis but dump them eventually. Is it true?

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I am a Gemini. I have had three Capricorns falling for me till now, and I somehow find myself attracted to capricorn men too. But eventually they dump me. Is there any theory behind it? I read somewhere that the capricorns find the geminis cute but will not marry them. Is it true? By the way, I only got dumped by the capricorn men.




  1. actually it may be you that they are attracted to. normally capricorn doesn't go for flirty, light hearted gemini. but your rising sign has a lot to do with how others see you. so maybe they see you as one of their compatible signs. capricorn is best with:

    virgo, pisces, taurus, scorpio

    if your rising is one of these then it would make sense that they are attracted to you at first and then dump you later(or you dump them).

    capricorn is at first slightly attracted to geminis warm hospitality and  people skills. but in a relationship it would never work long term. they are too much different and capricorn would become easily enraged by geminis free flirty social and friendly nature (with the opposite s*x). they will also not like how gemini seems to skirt responsability and not remember to do the important things (what capricorn holds as important that is).

    I am a capricorn female and have a lot of difficulties dealing with gemini as they are wild and free spirits and capricorn is mellow steady and calm.

  2. i love horoscopes.. they are very entertaining..

    but you can't always believe everything they say!

  3. I totally agree with you. The same situation happened to me and I'm also a Gemini. I read somewhere that Capricorn and Gemini are not always compatible signs which might explain it. But well look at Rabbyt and Bogie who have had good experiences. You might just not have found the right capricorn for you or there is someone of another sign for you :D.

  4. The idea that our lives can be affected by the position arbitrarily named planets, and the time at which you are born in the year, (according to the Gregorian calander, which to some sense is arbitrary)  is illogical and nonsense.

  5. I'm a capricorn woman- my husband is a gemini and we are married- don't know if that means anything... but we have a good marriage. he is very typical gemini I am very typical capricorn- I think we compliment each other well.

  6. i don't believe in that stuff, but i am a capricorn and my wife is a very cute gemini, for what it is worth

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