
Capricorns and Libras Are we a good match?

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I am a capricorn and Im .... slowly but surely takin a liking to this boy.. Hes not normal he stands out.. Like he has his head on straight and hes a really good person... BUT Ive had bad experiences with Libras in the past both male and females and Im wondering will it ever work because seems to be we cant find time for each other in out busy schedules...... But juss wondering will this ever be a good match in the end? I really really like him he keeps me guessing and theres always this fire inside me when we speak not the burning fire that hurts is a wonderful feeling and imma be so upset if im waisting my time... and i dont want to be saved by a sinking ship Can anybody help me??





  2. Try to be friends with him first and get to know each other.  After that sun signs will not matter at all.

  3. If you have feelings, it is never a waste of time. Every Libra will be different based on the influences in the natal chart. There is much more than the sun sign, and you must take those influences into account when dealing with a person. Just because one Cap didn't have a good experience with a Libra doesn't mean it won't work. Sure, you might not agree on everything, but if you have the love for each other, then that can transcend any influence from the stars. It can be healthy too, because since you may have a different way of approaching situations, you can learn a lot from each other. I'm a Libra, and some of my best friends are Caps, and we get along very well. We sometimes view things differently, but we always come to agreements and learn to look through the others eyes. So first, take a look at the whole natal chart...The Moon signs, Venus, Mars, Rising, etc. and most importantly, take him as a person and not as a Libra. Just get to know him for who he is, and let your heart guide you. Of course, this is just my opinion...What you do is ultimately up to you.

  4. well sorry to bring you the bad news but Libras and Capricorn are meant to be enemy's I had also have bad relationships with Libras we Capricorns and Libras are not even meant to be friends or couples but like partners. I am a Capricorn and I like to take charge everyone likes me but a Libra is exactly like me. we are fighting for the top. but but but but if u are a Capricorn and u are not a leader type of person than u might be the opposite which is cancer maybe you can find a way just don't show weakness

  5. Hello Nesha

    Libras are romantic and idealistic whereas you are the down-to-earth type where security is very important. You will have to put in more effort than most couples to overcome the differences that exist with Libra. His indecisiveness won't sit well with you because Libras tend to see things from all sides before rendering a just decision.

    You need to know where he stands in matters of the heart at all times. He's essentially a communicative sign that needs a constant dosage of social interaction which may evoke certain insecurities in Capricorn.

    As long as the attraction is there, Libra will put you on a pedestal but this does not guarantee Capricorn emotional. Furthermore, you are often private and reserved and may appear detached and unemotional.

    Mutual respect, patience and understanding is very important if this is to work. Other aspects in your chart would have to add weight in this relation to offset the inherent difficulties in your personalities.

  6. Libras always start a good fire in me and that quickly burns out after a while. They are indecisive about small things lke what to eat. They always lie about small things and then pretend like it wasn't a lie. They will tell u they will try to see you then something will come up, when in all actuality they just don't feel like seeing you. One minute they like you the next they like someone else,then they like you again. I have never had real great experiences with Libra men, but most of my friends are actually Libras

  7. First of all, Libra is in the exalted position of Capricorn.

    Hence, he will always to be a great, charming person in front of you.

    However, Libra squares Capricorn. Meaning to say, both of you will tends to make the other feel restricted and confined to a corner that both can hardly breathe. Cardinal signs like to control other and doesn't like to be controlled. Both Capricorn and Libra are cardinal signs.

    Being friends would be good, but to be lifetime partner, both needs to learn to compromise and adapter to this relationship of yours.

  8. I am a Capricorn and my husband is a Libra. We dated for 4 years and have been married for 7. We have our differences but who doesn't. For the entire 11 years we have been together, we have never doubted our feelings for eachother :) We work out our problems and move on. People say we make a wonderful couple and love being around us.

  9. wow-a libra?!?

    run the other way.

    capricorns are compatible with Pisces and Scorpio / Auquarius / Cancer. the water signs.

    i dated a Libra that drove me absolutely crazy. they never consistant and always want it his way.

    he was loving when HE wanted to be. i just didnt match well with him. Im a Pisces.

  10. You are certainly not wasting your time and your ship is not doing a Titanic. You need to work and build a trusting and mutual relationship before you can begin to fully reap the rewards. Perceive and the good times will roll.

  11. no you are not a good match. this is according to astrology as capricorn is best with: taurus, virgo, pisces, and scorpio. and NOT libra. and it is according to my personal experience. I am a cappi too and in love with a libra. trust me I can tell that we are not compatible, and I feel it every day.

    what it means to be in a non compatible relationship is that you have to constantly work at getting along and making things work out between you. things don't flow naturally and there is no unspoken deep understanding.

    long story short: if you want to be with him you have to work at the relationship for the rest of your life. if you like him and want him in your life forever without having to work at things, then just stay friends forever!

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