
Capricorns motto. . . ."I Use"?

by  |  earlier

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what does this mean.? I don't quite understand it.




  1. Actiually, their motto is "I utilize," not I use.  Big difference.

  2. They use what they can, what ever gets in their way, to get to the top of the mountain.

  3. I Use is a earth sign, they like to plant things.!!!

  4. Hi Nature

    Every sign has a motto associated with the natural house placement where it normally rules.

    Capricorn is the 10th sign associated with the MC or 10th house. It's motto is "I use" just like the 6th house motton would be "I analyze (natural placement of Virgo).

    The 10th house associated with Capricorn is a house of substance and the natural ruler is Saturn which means that diplomacy and tact are needed in handling matters related to this house.

    Any sign on the 10th will reveal the character of one's ability to organize, use systems in order to attain recognition.

  5. Capricorn is an earth sign and is concerned with getting results. Phrases like "I Use" are trying to make the point that as a Capricorn, you are apt to focus on accomplishing something you value and that will earn you respect and recognition. Capricorns are known to manage (use) resources for large enterprises and will often take on responsibilities that other people lack the drive or dedication to tackle.

  6. The words "I use" seem to have a very negative quality, but for  Capricorn, everything has to be "useful." There is very little frivolity in Capricorn. There has to be a point to everything. They are practical to an extreme degree.

    BUT keep in mind, a person is not just their sun sign... there are nine other planets all adding different flavors to a person... no one PURELY one sign with no other qualities...

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