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i am going 2 be the captain 4 our school's team.we are have a 20 20 tournement.just wanted some tips of becoming a good captain.wht shold i go on field and off field




  1. First.

    Have a productive goal on your team players.

    Have them be able to be prepared in the field.

    Warm up.

    Practice previously taught skills.

    Teach & have ur teammates know the fundamental skills they need to know.

    Emphasise performing well, not winninng, in every competition.

    Emphasise basic cricket skills to ur team mates.


    Be a role model by playing like a true heart captain for batting. On other words, smack as many runs you can VS the oppostion bowlers.

  2. hahaah congrats dude lolzzzz i'm captain of my school's A grade 20/20 comp as well so yea oh by the way i live in australia but my background is sri lankan so yea i know wat i'm talking about =P well mate here's some tips for u most important thing is don't take it too serious it's just a game and let your team know that it doesn't matter  how much games you guys lose or win the point of the game is to just have fun and second thing as a captain if lyk somebody drops a catch or something NEVER tell them off for it even if they dropped like 20 in that game just keep encouraging all your team mates because you never know if you urself might drop a catch in the same game aye??

    oh and by the way just because it's 20/20 doesn't give people an excuse to try and smash the ball out of the park all the time just tell your team to play their normal game and if somebody gets out for a low score trying 2 smash the ball all the time just tell them that it's not an excuse 2 get yourself out so stupidly

    My advice for your batting line up would be have an opening pair who can communicate between the wickets really well as you would always need 2 get a good start also tell your opening pair to take it slow and once they've got their eye in then they can play a bit more aggresively don't choose an opening pair who are clean hitters off the ball chose an opening pair where one batsmen can smash the ball but stay in and another batsmen who can like stay in and get the other guy on strike. Your first drop should always be your best batsmen on the team, and yeah the rest of your line up should be up 2 u but another tip would be put in clean hitter off the ball in the number 7 position as the number 7 usually is in when there are lyk 5 overs left or something

    for your bowling attack start off with 2 ppl who are quick and have good swing on the ball since in 20/20 bowlers are only allowed to bowl a maximum of 4 overs each wat i suggest is to have your opening bowlers bowl 3 overs each then bowl their final overs out right at the end of the game just because it's 20/20 it doesn't really mean that your bowlers will get hammered all the time but remeber with your opening bowlers i suggest you have one slip and a gully to start off with and make sure your slip has good quick reactions and can catch a ball cleanly with your gully i suggest you put your slowest player in gully as not much off the ball goes past a gully to chase at.

    With your fielding the only advice i can give is have your best fielders on the offside lyk the point cover and midd off area e.g i mean look at the auzzies they have their best fielders in those positions like michael clarke is usually in point, andrew symonds is in the covers and ricky ponting is at midd off. Since ur the captain i guess its best for u to go mid off as u can communicate with ur bowler more often and with your outfield make sure u have someone out there with a strong arm and someone who can catch high long distance catches there as well.

    Finally when your off the field my advice is just encourage your players all the time when u guys train in the nets look at each player with your coach and find out a way in which they can improve their game also tell your players that its alright if they criticise u as in lyk tell u wat ur doing wrong as a player and a captain that way u will know ur own strengths and weaknesses as a player and a captain

    well mate hope i've helped and yea good luck with ur season

  3. dont let your emotions come out,control from within and dont get tense in crunch situations,when things are not working like in bowling, make rapid changes in field and bowling,surprise your opposition by your moves, one thing that you can let come out is your confidence................rule the world

  4. Be positive when in front of the team.  If you have to criticize the team, take a few seconds to calm down and remember that you want them to work as a team for a common goal.   If you have to scorn an individual, do it in private after the practice or tournament.

    Congrats on the win win...go team.

    TEAM = Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  5. try to take wickets , dont go defensive

  6. Make sure you do not show your "friendship" on the field to the players who may be VERY close to you off the field.

    You will need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of your players... watch them during practices, even your ownself - then use them as the situation demands.

    The game itself must be played hard - and play to win - until the last ball. After the game though, you would need to make time to go and meet the opposite team's captain and players to shake hands - whether you win or lose.

    Be very positive that you know most of the tournament rules - many a times they come handy during the game.

    Most of all, never get panicky or too excited on the ground. Even if you clearly face defeat or on route to victory.

    Good luck and have fun out there.
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