
Capuchin MOnkeys'?

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I'm trying to get my mom to let me get a capuchin because there is one available for free!! but i need some help with that so please help with all the websites and info you can...

thanx in advance!!

no rude reamrks please.




  1. Here's one.

    Be sure you know what you are in for and be sure they are legal where you live.  They are not pets - they are still wild animals.  They are illegal in many places.

    And it's free for a reason.

  2. Just so you know, even though these monkeys look cute and cuddly, they can be very mean.Do you know how to take care of one.

    If your Mom has already said no then leave it at that. Why is present owner giving it away. I mean they must have a lot of money wrapped up in it.

  3. Well first off id say that is a scam. They will tell you its free you just have to pay for shipping, and then they will have a problem and need more money. Its a money pit and you will never see a monkey. NO ONE IS GOING TO GIVE AWAY ANY KIND OF PRIMATE. even the older ones sell for thousands of dollars.

    Second off, If you have to ask your mom for one, YOU DONT NEED ONE. Primates of any kind take tons and tons of WORK MONEY AND TIME to keep healthy and happy. They can not stay in a cage all day by them self while you are at school. Stress can kill them. AND leaving one by them self for hours on end will make them stress.

    State doing some reading on Capuchins now and in a few years when you are out of school(if you don't work everyday) get one then.

    Primates are tons of fun but more work then i can put in to words.

  4. First off, there is probably a good reason that a animal that usually sells for thousands of dollars is being given away for free. Most likely this animal has reached sexual maturity and has become aggressive and dangerous. It is nearly impossible for people to rehome their adult monkeys or find a rescue to take them.

    Monkeys do not make good pets. If you did your research you would know that. Reconsider, there are so many horror stories out there and the odd are that you will just be another one in the end.

    Monkeys become dangerous and aggressive when they hit puberty. The do not accept new members into their family, so you would most likely never to able to bond with this monkey. Wild animals are not pets, they belong in their natural environment.

    Just b/c something is free does not mean you should run out any get it. it is very unlikely you will find websites that tell you to get a monkey(unless it is a breeder trying to sell one)

    Please check out these links, and the decide if monkey ownership is still the responsible choice: (do not hesitate to read some of the personal stories)
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