This recently happened, I simplified it so you'll get the idea.
At a 4-way Intersection, Street1 is going vertically, Street2 is going horizontally.
Car A is driving NORTH on Street1, Car B is driving SOUTH on Street1. Both approach the 4way Intersection.
Car A has the GREEN light so they proceed to drive forward.
Car B wants to make a LEFT turn on to Street2 but only has the green-light, NOT the Green-Arrow.
Car B proceeds to make the left-turn as Car A proceeds to approach.
Car B says he saw Car A's left-blinker was on and that's why Car B thought he could turn Left. He "didn't know" Car A would drive straight.
Car A changed lanes BEFORE approaching the intersection, that's what the blinker was for. Not AT or in the MIDDLE of the intersection.
1. Who is at fault in TX?
2. Does the 'blinker' play any importance?
3. If their cars touched, isn't it obvious that Car A was
going straight w/out any intention to turn?
4. More damage was done to Car A.