
Car Accident: Person wants to file me as hit and run ?

by  |  earlier

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I had a car accident and then gave them my insurance information such as my policy number and driver license number. I then filed the report to my insurnace company regarding the accident,. Then few months later I received a call from the person I had the accident with, they said that they needed my claim number but I didn't give it to him. I have no idea why he wanted my claim number when I gave him all the information he needed to file. He threaten to file me as "hit and run" to the police. Should I be worry ? What would be best for me to do ? Thanks




  1. Not quite sure how this person is going to file a ‘hit & run’ on you if he’s got your ‘phone no. to call you !!

    I can see it now…..

    “Excuse me officer… I’ve been the victim of a hit and run, and here’s the phone number and licence details of the guy who did it.”

    Depending on the sense of humour of your local police force I’d say they’d either get laughed out of the station or locked up for wasting police time !

    If they try to pretend you didn’t give them the details, having filed a report with your insurer will disprove that and as previous answer said, get them into VERY hot water for filing a false report. Police everywhere take an EXTREMELY dim view of being lied to.

    I don’t know what the exact rules are where you live, but sounds to me like you’ve done everything you should. If the other people want to chase up your insurer, your policy number should be all the info they need.

    I agree with the previous answer, tell your insurer what has happened just to be 100% transparent, and let them deal with it.  

    If the other people continue to call and threaten you like that, I’d say you have better justification for filing a Police complaint than they do.

  2. Nope, you don't have to worry.  You weren't a hit & run.  He wants to file through YOUR insurance, and not his, that's why he wants the claim number.  If you WERE a hit & run, he wouldn't have your number!!  As long as you gave HIS contact information to YOUR insurance company, you shouldn't deal with this at all - let your insurance company deal with it.

  3. In order to file hit and run charges, he would have had to file the charges that day it happened, not months later. Plus you have his information and he has yours, so he would end up filing a false police report which he could get in trouble for. I wouldn't give up any of your information (like the claim number), other than what you have. Let the insurance companies deal with it.

  4. You can prove him wrong - because you put in a claim & admitted to the accident...

    Don't let him scare you - you've done the right thing

  5. Don't worry.  You gave him the information required by law.  Be sure to tell your insurance company what he said to you, just in case.

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