I was in an accident in late April; I injured my wrist, back, shoulder and neck. I am currently in Physical and Occupational Therapy for this. I am in pain everyday and have to take 3 different medications just to ease it; I have even had to start getting cortisone shots in my wrist to ease the pain. My girlfriend’s insurance company has already told me they are going to reimburse me for lost wages, doctor bills, etc. They even said that even if I use my leave to cover my doctor’s appointments that are still going to pay essentially twice since I had to use my sick leave to be off. With all that being said, as of right now just my doctor visit co-pays, lost wages and medicines are over 3k and I have at least a another month to go with my Physical Therapy since I go 2-3x a week. How much should I expect to get for pain and suffering? I really don't want to get a lawyer since they take so much of the money.