
Car Crash Question - Me Responsible right?

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So my last question was kind of badly worded. So I will provide a diagram. According to him, he was behind me, thinking I was going into the left turn lane, but nope. He said in front of him was a car, and to the left was other cars, so he went with me, and was on my right while I was trying to do a U-turn.

When I went up to him, he was talking on a phone. I do not know if he was during the accident. Me, what was I doing? I was trying to do a U-turn, going into the suicide lanes or saftey lane area, and going for it. I did not expect a car to be next to me. Look at the diagram. I did it decent, and by no means consider it accurate, just what I could do in a few minutes or something.

I am red, he is blue. Who's fault? I know I was at fault cause I decided not to use the left turn lane because it said No-U Turn and I decided to do it before the left turn lane.




  1. Okay Okay

    my verdict on what I see, is who ever hit who from behind is to fault for the damage,

    I hope you did not admit blame at time of accident or any time that way your insurance wont be voided,

    and the insurance Cos will fight it out but what ever excesses you have agreed to pay when signing up for the insurace you will have to pay this,

    you are guilty of dangerous driving and if the other party was performing a uturn he is also guilty of dangerous driving,

    depending on your financial circumstances you could be fined upto 5000GBP and or a prison term,

    if given prison and fine you can ask for the fine to be taken into account for sentencing this would most likely add 6 to 8 weeks extra to serve,

    the only way this mess can be judged for certain is if there are cameras on you where the accident occurred

    andrew j

  2. I got questions,  but tend to think you are at fault.

    First,   U-turns are dangerous at best,  requiring you to effect the flow of traffic in both directions.    You admit you were only trying to avoid a prohibition against them at the turn-lane.   It is just as dangerous where you were trying it as up there.    Never do a u-turn if there is a better choice,  such as circling a block or  pulling into a parking lot.

    Second,   you make no mention of a turn signal.    Did you give him any warning at all?     I ask,  because every day I see people doing stupid things on the highway without warning.

    Third,  even though he was talking on the cell phone,  and was most likely doing so at the time of the accident,   that is only a contributing factor,   as would his following to closely if he was.   You made an unexpected manuever.

    Pay to fix his car,  and learn from this mistake.    Again,  never make a u-turn if there is a better choice.

  3. sorry but still didnt get the whole scenario.  but i guess whoever was behind, it was his fault.  thats the way it is mostly.

  4. I would say that it will be a 50/50 claim.

  5. I looked at your diagram and from what I can see, it could be mostly his fault but I'm not entirely sure you're in the clear either.  

    The reason I say that is because the other car had no reason to think you were going to make a u turn at that exact place, as he said, he "assumed" you were just going to go ahead and make the turn at the left hand turn.  

    It's a general rule that whoever is following behind must maintain enough distance from the car ahead of him to allow enough room for a mistake.

    If you didn't see him, either he was behind you before you made your turn or he was in your blind spot.  Either way, you are still required to check to see that you can make your move safely.

  6. So let's get this straight. You made an illegal U-turn and rear ended some guy that made another illegal U-turn a bit further up while talking on a cell phone? No matter what, you rear ended him, it is your fault entirely. You were not in control of your vehicle. That's the bottom line. Get ready to pay up and your insurance to be raised too. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    Edit: After re-reading this for the umpteenth time, here's an idea, did you call the police and did they make a report? If so, obtain a copy of it to help you figure out the mess. No use in assuming anything or accepting the blame until you have the facts. But if it happened like I mentioned above, sorry you were wrong.

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