
Car Dealers (Toyota/Scion Mainly) When do you get the VIN number to tell the customer? A delivery Question.

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Today I called my Toyota/Scion dealer and he said that my car was in TRANSIT to their dealership from the port in New Jersey. They are in Wallingford CT. He also said that he would be able to give my my VIN number later in the day (so he told me to call back). Last thing he said was that it would take 7-10 days for the car to get here.

Great. I get excited etc... lol

Now I just got off the phone with him again this evening and he was looking for my VIN but couldn't find it. He asked someone and they said they wouldn't be able to get it until the 9th.

So...does this make sense? If it is supposedly in transit to wallingford, CT from New Jersey...wouldn't they already have the VIN number? Or do they send the VIN to the dealer at a certain check point along the delivery route?

I just get the feeling that he made a mistake and it hasn't even left the port yet. I've been waiting 2 months for this car (scion xd rs 1.0) to even leave the port so that's why I'm getting antsy.

So if anyone knows anything about how this works, let me know please. thanks. : ]




  1. They have a list of all VIN #s of all vehicles being shipped.

  2. I agree with the first answer, they do get a list of VINs set to be shipped or in transit but I would not be comfortable to tell the waiting customer. Too many things could and do go awray with a shipment or the actual VIN.

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