
Car Drivers are idiots?

by  |  earlier

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I was riding my motorcycle to the clubhouse at my apartment complex and out comes this guy in a Ford SUV blatantly in the left side of MY lane almost causing me to slam face first into his ugly car!

He then yells at me to "slow down...slow down!!!"


I wasn't speeding at all, he is a dumb ***, I hate car drivers. As soon as it got sunny I almost got killed about 4 times this weekend.

Motorcycles Riders for the win!

p.s. I yelled back "Go **** your mother!"




  1. The new "IM bigger than you" mentallity is all over.

    Fat girls in SUVs now think its ok to bully thier way around the roads. Guess is their lack of p***s.

  2. Do you drive a car?

  3. Assume they are idiots and you will live longer.

  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of sharing the road with cars. Ride like you are invisible

  5. LOL! I think there is a full moon out. People are retards lately. Today, two people at two different exits on the highway were driving in reverse. Aparently, they got off the wrong exit. Then, when I was going back to where I came from, I saw a guy merge onto the interstate with HIS SNEAKERS on the roof of his SUV!!!!! I was amazed to see them stay on for as long as they did. They gave up the ghost at about 60MPH.LOL!!! Dumb @$$.

    Sorry to hear your day wasn't well.  :o) Live for the weekend. Hope it doesn't rain.  :o)

  6. yea!!! cause none of us bikers ever do anything irresponsible

  7. Good for you.I ride and drive,go sh*t in your hand.

  8. I was driving my car in the left lane on a highway in Ventura county. I was merging to the right over one lane to a cop on a motor cycle was crossing over four lanes at once was real close to death. I didn't see him. This policeman never even pulled me over because he knew it was his fault. When you are on a bike pretend like you are invisible because to most drivers you are. Especially when you are dealing with high profile vehicles.

  9. i bet he was old and on his way to play golf

  10. I put a loud Stebel horn on my bike to get their attention away from the cell phone.  I usually yell, "Missed me, motherfkr!" and flip them off.  Cagers suck.

  11. Anthony all of it is true but no more yelling.... it makes the rest of us look bad. Besides, when you turned and yelled you may well have ran into something or some one, then they would yell at you.

  12. Fair weather brings the fair-weather drivers with it. I had hope that the high gas prices would keep the weirdos off the road, but it's not happening.

    Let's hope that the motorcycle manufactures come out with a line of idiot seeking missiles soon. In the mean time, ride like you are invisible because you are invisible to the cagers.

    I believe that if I were on fire and riding at midnight, the cagers still would not see me.

    Ride Safe

  13. > As soon as it got sunny I almost got killed about 4 times this weekend.

    Once might be their fault, twice might be their fault, thrice might be their fault, but four indicates you are not making proper observations and reacting to them.

    You won't want to hear that, but the only person out there who is taking care of you is you.

    And your sign-off ‘Motorcycle Riders for the win!’ apart from making little sense does not fill me with confidence that you aren't taking liberties.

  14. that's life we ride bikes & have to do the work for car  drivers or we would all be dead you can not train a to$$er who drives a car they dont even know what indicators are for

  15. At a boy give em he ll  first lesson don't trust a cager because they don't see us Be aware   ride safe

  16. the problem is the non-motorcycle public thinks that motorcycles are toys for young kids and no motorcycle is as fast as a car, so they believe a motorcycle has less right to be on the road than a car does, they see motorcycles in the same league as bicycles

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