
Car Hard to start. 92 Acura Legend 122k?

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hi i have a 92 acura legend and i have noticed recently when i first go to my car in the morning it doesnt start on the first try, it sounds like its gonna start but doesnt turn over as they say. but once i get it started its fine the rest of the day turning off and on. i know i have a slight oil leak nothing drastic and recently got my valve cover gaskets replaced, so im not sure why this is happening some mornings it starts fine. i also notice im getting bad gas mileage and when my wheel is turned all the way 2 one side and i start the car and put it in drive right away at times it turns off? please help i dont have alot of money to find problem and fix other things please help......................




  1. - ok, when was the last time you had a tune up.

    - sound like it could be your spark plugs or spark plug wires

    - for the oil leak check the oil pan because it could be you oil pan gasket. To be on the safe side degrease your engine and once its clean you will be able to find the leak.

  2. Three things you want to check.

    1. Gas filter when was this replaced last?

    2. Fuel Pump

    3. Spark plugs

    If you do not know much about auto repair you need to find someone you can trust! Although I can walk you thur the steps and would be happy to.  

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