
Car Insurance... How much is it really?!?

by Guest56939  |  earlier

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I am planning on getting a car this summer after school and i am 16.... My parents want to lease a car for me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get a discount. I really want the dodge SRT-4 but i think it will be too much insurance at this point in my life... can someone tell me roughly how much it would be???





  1. Nobody on here would be able to tell you that, but do know that you are a male and under 25.....It's gonna be high.

    If you are on honor roll, your parents and submit your grades to the insurance company for a discount.

    But you can give up having reasonably priced insurance until you are 25...especially if you are in a metro area.

  2. Help yourself:) You can easily estimate your quotes in internet, for example here:

  3. If you want to get it really cheap, visit:

    I got mine there and ahve not seen any cheaper.

    Hope helps

  4. expect to pay A LOT, because you are a new driver, male, under 25, its a new car, and its a turbocharged car, and will need full coverage on the leased vehicle.  I wouldn't expect you to pay less than 300 a month, but it could be a lot more.

    make sure you parents check with the car dealership, sometimes there's an age limit on how old you have to be to drive a leased car.

  5. For automobile insurance the obvious way to get a low rate is do a rate comparison on car policies. Make sure that you pick similar options with the same limits, auto make, zip code, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I always recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and can give many prices on car insurance polices.

  6. Your parents are nuts.  The insurance will cost more than the car lease.  

    It's insane to lease a car for a 16 year old kid.   Leasing in general is a really dumb idea.  You're renting a depreciating asset.  You can't EVER catch up with how fast you're losing the money.  The lease will require high limits of liability, along with collision and comp.  I'd guess they'll be paying $350 a month for the lease, and maybe $400 - $500 a month for the insurance.

    They are better off to just save that $1,000, and buy you an old junker, and put just liability on it.  It will save them THOUSANDS, and then they won't be thousands in the hole when you total it.

  7. This is impossible to answer with this information. Your best bet is to get added to your parents policy. They seem to want to help by setting up the lease, so they will most likely allow you to be on their policy. If you want to get a general idea on quotes for yourself look at websites like There you will find many insurance companies in your area that will provide quotes. This can save you time and maybe help your parents save money as well. Also, be sure to seek discounts many auto insurance companies offer to young drivers. Some offer student discounts, defensive driving, driving course discounts, safety and security features your vehicle may come equipped with can also lower your rates. Unfortunately for you, rates will start out a little high due to your age. However, if you keep a good driving record, your rates will start to come down as you become more experienced.

  8. It is not easy to answer your question in one words,you would better find it out here yourself.

  9. visit a website like and fill out a few quote forms from the insurance companies listed on there and they will get back to you with the best policy for you in your area

  10. Try using to compare car insurance rates for all the major providers in your area.

  11. At your age, insurance for that car is going to be outrageous.  If your parent's can afford that, then thats great, but if they aren't rich, they might be biting off more than they can chew.  Insurance is probably going to cost you as much per month as the lease.  One good thing about being on your paren'ts policy is that you will definitely get a cheaper rate than if you had your own policy.  Also, I am assuming that you are a student.  Ask your insurance company if you qualify for the good student discount (B average or better).  

    It's really hard to give you an estimate of how much your insurance will be without knowing a bit more information about you.  Before your parent's purchase a vehicle for you, they need to do their research.  They need to call their insurance company as well as get a few quotes online from other insurance companies.  They might find that the insurance company they currently have isn't the best company to insure a 16 year old.  

    The site below is a great resource because it allows you to compare quotes for all of the insurance companies in your area for free.

    Good Luck!

  12. Even an insurance agent here could not answer your question without a lot of info.  Call around and get prices.

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