
Car Insurance. What if I have no coverage. PLEASE HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got into an accident, and I had no insurance. I know, I know, it's horrible. Anyway, now the insurance company, from the person that was involved in the accident, now is requiring me to pay $3,000. It's so much, but someone just recently told me that because I didn't have insurance, that I'm not going to have to pay. It sounded bazaar to me so I decided to ask you guys. Any help?




  1. get an estimate from the insurance company for the repairs of the vehicle that you hit. also, was the accident your fault. if it was not then i would get an attorney. if it was your fault then you will have to pay for the repairs on the vehicle that you hit.

  2. ASK TO SEE THE RECEIPT FOR THE DAMAGES . . . and then visit and get some INSURANCE you are LUCKY they are not suing you for medical and what not PAY THIS ONE OFF and GET INSURANCE !

  3. You have to be kidding to ask such a question !  If you don't have to pay because you don't have insurance, why in the world would anyone ever buy insurance ?   Of course you will be held liable....!

  4. If you can't pay it, his uninsured coverage may pay for it for you. People carry uninsured motorist coverage just incase they run into people like you. Then they will come after you for the money.

    You will eventually have to pay it. Collections, leins, etc, they will get the money.

    I'm assuming the 3K is there first attempt to get compension for the damages you causes. Please provide more info.

  5. We really need to know what state you are in so that we can give you the best answers. You might want to edit your post and tell us what state you are in.

    You are going to have pay this. Trust me. The concept might sound bizarre to you, but you can't cause an accident without insurance and expect not to have to pay for the damages you caused.

    I own a subrogation recovery company that handles claims against uninsured people so I can give you some general info as to what you are facing.

    If all you is $3000 consider yourself lucky. We received a file two days ago where the uninsured person owes $55,000.00 for car damages and injuries.

    Depending on what state you are in your drivers license may be suspended for causing an accident while uninsured. However, by entering into an agreement to repay the damages the state will allow you to keep your license. (with some restrictions)

    If you have any way of coming up with the cash make the insurance company a "lump sum" offer. My guess is that if you offered them $2200 to $2500 they would take it and you save a few hundred bucks.

    If that won't work most companies will allow you to set-up a monthly payment. This will be a legally binding contract contract so take it seriously. Most companies will want $150 to $300 per month for a $3000 claim. (you can buy a lot of insurance for that amount). Usually there is no interest added to the debt if you enter into a voluntary re-payment plan of some kind.

    If you do not cooperate with them, they will sue you. You will lose and things get much, much worse than they are now.  The company will get a judgment against you which allows them to add interest, attorney fees and court costs to the original debt. The judgment can also end on your credit report. In many states the judgment can be filed with the DMV and they will suspend your license until you pay it off.

  6. Go see a lawyer.  The insurance company will have theirs.  Each state is different.  

    As for the $3K, I don't think the other insurance company is going to let you off the hook that easily.

    Possibly, you might have sell your car to pay for the $3K.  You don't have insurance so you shouldn't / can't drive it anyway.

    Best to go see a lawyer.

    Good Luck...

  7. Here are 3 myths from the State of WI on car insurance:

    1 "Auto Insurance Is A Waste of Money. I've Never Had A Claim."

    Some drivers may be lucky enough to never have an accident for which they are determined to be responsible or have a claim against them. However, if they do, they will risk losing everything. Protection against significant financial loss for being the cause of an accident provides comfort and protection for many who carry insurance. Otherwise drivers will have put themselves at great risk of financial loss.

    2 "All anyone needs is the minimum amount of insurance."

    It's possible but could be very wrong. For example, state law requires insurance companies to issue policies with at least the liability coverage of $25,000 for the injury or death of one person, $50,000 per accident in which two or more people are injured, and $10,000 per accident for property damage. But if drivers who cause accidents have other financial assets or income, lawsuits could devastate their financial resources. Consider that the medical cost of an injury could easily exceed $25,000 and the value of most newer vehicles would exceed the $10,000 of property damage provided in the minimum policy.

    3 "Uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage only protect the guy who hits me."

    No, it's the opposite. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage are for the driver who purchases them, covering the bodily injuries of the purchaser. Underinsured motorist coverage is an extra option that adds to the amount of coverage of the at-fault driver. It pays the difference between the maximum coverage purchased by the at-fault driver and the amount of underinsured coverage purchased by the policyholder.

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