
Car Park Accident...Help with who's at fault?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently in a shopping centre car park (which is classed as private land) and was waiting in a line behind a few other cars (we were all indicating to turn right). while i was waiting for the line to go forward there was a car reversing out of a parking bay and either they were blind or were not looking as i started honking several times to let them know that 'hello' there is a car behind you. they obviously never got the message because the came and slamed right onto the side of my car dented the area above the front tyres and pushing the door in pretty bad as well.




  1. They're at fault....improper backing.  You had right of way.  It was up to them to check if all clear before backing out.....

  2. it was definitely their fault....hope you got their information....the police should have been called....always call the police matter what  whenever there is an accident....they can usually tell right away who is at fault from the scene

  3. They were at fault.   The way was not clear,  and they did not pay proper attention.

  4. it was their fault ... but u gonna have a lot of explaining to do ... does that mall parking have cameras ? if so go ask in security office for a copy ........GOOD LUCK

  5. id say it would be theirs as it is their responsibility to look both ways for other cars passing by.

  6. If you called the police and made a report, the person at fault  should have recieved a ticket for careless driving.

    In Michigan the one that backed into you is at fault.  

    A very similar incident happened to me and the vehicle that backed into me got the ticket.

  7. This exact thing has happened to my older brother and it was deemed the other driver who backed into him was 100% at fault.  I hope you got all their info.

  8. I would say that it would be their fault.

  9. They are absoulutely at fault. No question. Hopefully you took pictures and got their information.

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